One of my goals for this year has been to "get fit". If we look way back at one of my early posts about goal setting, it's clear that I have too many goals and many of them are very vague.
Getting fit is definitely an imprecise goal. I suppose I should change the goal to something like, be able to do 20 push-ups, swim a mile without stopping, or do a cartwheel without injuring myself. I'll work on a list.
While I'm figuring that out, however, I will keep on doing things to help me get fit. Most recently, I rejoined the YWCA and today I went my first Zumba class. Zumba is a trademarked dance aerobic program available at many gyms. The classes use mostly Latin music.
I had fun, but I also had no idea what I was doing. If you look closely at this picture, I most resembled the lady in gray at the back of the class. Her leg isn't kicking, her arms are at her sides and she looks a little confused. That was me for an hour today.
On the other hand, I elevated my heart rate, danced around with a smile on my face, and maybe I'll even remember a few of the moves the next time.
I'll have to think of a measurable Zumba goal. Any ideas?
Actually, I disagree that your goal should be more precise. I would say that it should be less precise; e.g.: "improve fitness." As Bridget Jones says, "Happiness is a result of attainable goals." And "improve fitness" is surely attainable. Best of luck!
Have you seen the different 30-day challenges? I have a friend who has done these two:
Measurable Zumba goal: go with Amy on Friday.