Monday, April 28, 2014

According to Rick . . .

. . . Rick Steves, that is.

Like many other English-speaking travelers, we rely on Rick Steve's advice on what to see, where to eat, and how much not to tip. 

We've read his books many times, both before and during visits to museums and other sites. We quote him quite frequently. In fact, I've heard the title of this post more times than I would have imagined before I took this trip.

And for the most part, we have found his information quite accurate and therefore valuable. However, we have encountered a few differences of opinion. First of all, we felt Rick severely underrates the Uffizi in Florence. He said that most people breeze through in about an hour, but we stumbled out, dazed after more than four hours. And we didn't leave because we had seen all the art, but because our minds simply couldn't absorb any more. There was one more idea we disagreed with, but I can't remember what is was now, so it must not have been that important.

In addition, Rick recommends eating in real restaurants, where the locals go. Unfortunately, any "real" restaurant that he mentions immediately is filled with tourists, as so many of us read his books and follow his every word.

On the whole, though, I'm grateful for Rick and for the guidance he's given us as we have traveled through Italy. I should probably tell him. If only he read my writing as much as I've read his.

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