Thursday, May 29, 2014

Mannheim, Viernheim, Feudenheim, heim!

Yes, we went to many 'heims'.

After such a good day on Wednesday, yesterday was the physical equivalent of what a genealogist probably often encounters while researching. Lots of closed doors, but with open windows somewhere else. We heard "not here, but maybe if you go to x" many times.

Ancestral village number 3 seemed very nice, although someone from the nearby big city called it "horrible" and wondered why any tourists would want to go there. We did see one tremendously unique invention: a day-old bread automat next to the closed bakery. We got some fun breads at very cheap prices for today's meals. Ingenious!

But at the end of the day, mostly what we had was sore feet, and only a few email addresses that might bear fruit in the future.

A day in the life . . . 

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