Saturday, March 8, 2014

Prohibition Exhibition

I finally managed to make it to the local history museum's exhibit of American Spirits:  The Rise and Fall of Prohibition. It's going to close next weekend, so I was running out of time.

It was a good show.  I knew a lot of the information on offer, much of it from the non-fiction book Last Call, which I have been reading for research. Turns out Daniel Okrent, the author of that book was the curator behind the exbihit.

Actually seeing photos, posters, clothes and other artifacts made quite an impression. A book doesn't have the ability to let you listen in on a prohibitionist's speech, or get your mug shot taken next to bootleggers. I might even go back sometime next week before the exhibit closes.

An interesting final note is that the exhibit was created by the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.  I had never heard of that museum, but it sounds pretty interesting.  Perhaps I can procrastinate my way to visiting there some day.

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