Friday, March 28, 2014

Old Measuring Cups

When I wrote about some of the items my honey and I brought back from North Carolina, I was mostly thinking about big furniture items to unpack. But we brought back some fun small items too. Although many are old and have stories to tell, others just seem very old.

My sister recommended I take photos and notes to document the items and their stories for future generations.  Here is my first attempt.

I've mentioned earlier that my mother-in-law Alice didn't really like to cook. In spite of that, I have many memories of hanging out in her kitchen, and she had some really cool kitchen tools. I don't know whose these were, probably her mother's, but they do seem old.

I'm not exactly sure what measure it holds. The top line reads only measure followed by three quarters, one half and one quarter. The handle is painted red and it's pretty beat up. I love it anyway.

Here's a different view.

It seems to be aluminum and it's the only one in its set. I haven't used it yet, but I will. I already owned a number of incomplete sets of measuring cups, so this one fits right into the oversized drawer.

We inherited a number of other measuring cups, but this one is my favorite. When I'm being extra fanciful, I can see in its battered, yet still functional form a metaphor for life. We may sometimes be down, but we're not out and we keep on doing our best.

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